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Sabina D'Ercole

Over ten years ago I began a journey of self-discovery by means of a range of experiences and studies. I devoted a great deal of attention to finding a balance in the relationship between people and nature.


When I had finished my architectural studies I decided to go to Rome, the city of art and beauty, where I took a master’s degree in sustainable construction.

I was trying to arrive at a form of architecture that would operate so as to preserve the renewable energies of the planet.


As a result of my continuing efforts to go beyond strictly aesthetic and functional approaches I was inspired to try to integrate sustainable architecture with my love of harmony and beauty.


I feel that I have achieved this process of integration by means of Feng Shui, which allows me to create personalised spaces where individuals are able to experience peace and well-being and to live prosperous and fulfilling lives.


I can offer personalised time as a practitioner of sustainable architecture married to Feng Shui culture, so helping you to realise your wishes and to create a unique and sustainable space where living harmoniously is your priority.



I.U.P.S.M. - Venezuela

MASTER in Sustainable Architecture and Energy Saving 

Università La Sapienza - Rome - Italy

FFENG SHUI for Architects 
Xing Shi Pai  - FengShui Roma Architecture & Design School – Rome – Italy

Flying Stars  - FengShui Roma Architecture & Design School – Rome – Italy

Ba-zi  Suan Ming - FengShui Roma Architecture & Design School – Rome – Italy

Advanced Flying Stars - Feng Shui for Eviromental Designers- FSED – On Line

Feng Shui for Property Development  - European College of Feng Shui - Rome – Italy

The Correct Use of Feng Shui Systems in Professional Consultancy -

European College of Feng Shui (ECOFS) Berlin and Sidney and Feng Shui Roma Architecture & Design School – online




I have been involved in different aspects of in design and architecture as follows:


I have worked as an architect at Cucine Berloni, as a jewellery designer at Picaza and as an independent architect in the field of home and business designs.


I have also participated in various interior design projects, while for the last two years I have dedicated myself exclusively to Feng Shui consulting  as applied to architecture and to branding, and as a tool for increasing self-knowledge.


These are the principles and values that make up my personal philosophy:

INTEGRITY: it is imperative always to be honest and to behave in an ethical manner.

TRANSCENDENCE: I believe that everything has a purpose and an impact beyond the tangible.

RESPECT: I value everybody who wants to take the path that leads to self- improvement.

For me it is essential that my life and my profession go hand-in-hand and are mutually supportive.

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